Sunday, August 15, 2010

Old Fashioned Faux-tato Salad with Homemade Mayo

We've done cauliflower as a rice substitute, in tacos, stirfries and curry-style sauces. We've done mashed cauliflower as a mashed potato sub (turnips and/or parsnips surprisingly also mash up super tasty, as a non-nightshade, but not necessarily low-carb potato replacement). As a potluck looms on the horizon, I've been wishing we could do a nice, old-fashioned potato salad. Thus my "a ha!" moment. This recipe isn't totally safe for my low-glutamate (i.e. no pickles,) and egg-, pepper- and onion-free child, but I have an idea on how to modify a version for her.

Old Fashioned Faux-tato Salad

1 head cauliflower
4 - 6 ribs celery, minced
2 stalks green onions, minced
2 hard boiled eggs, chopped
2 small to medium sized pickles, minced (I adore Bubbies)
1 C homemade mayo, more or less depending on how mayonnaise-y you like your salad.

1. Chop up cauliflower into cube-ish pieces (you know, about the same size you'd use if you were cutting up a potato for salad ~1in). Boil until soft. Drain and allow to cool.
2. Add celery, onions, eggs & pickles.
3. Mix with homemade mayo until evenly coated. Salt & pepper to taste. Paprika on top for finishing.
4. Serve chilled.

Homemade Mayo

1 egg
1 egg yolk (the leftover white can be used in meringues or added to omlettes)
1 cup olive oil (or sunflower or a combination)
1 tsp prepared brown mustard (we love Eden's)
1 tbsp lemon juice
good sized pinch of sea salt

In blender/food processor blend egg & yolk, mustard, sea salt, and lemon juice. Slowly drizzle in oil until it firms up. It might be slightly liquidy, but it will get more solid in the fridge.

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