Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Delight

Today we all packed up and went hiking at Sand Lakes Quiet Area. As we were hiking to our picnic spot, we were scoping out a camp site to use in the (hopefully) very near future. We found a nice little site on the other side of the lake, off the main path. I'm excited to get the whole family out camping this year. We had it on the to-do list last year, but with the whole Bo saga, it got deferred. All I have to do now, is figure out a menu. The lake is stocked with trout, so maybe we'll catch our dinner and roast it over the open campfire. Yum!

We spent the rest of the afternoon mowing the yard (Dave) or sitting on a blanket in the sun reading (Lily, Aevryn & I). I am thankful for spring weather finally.

The hives on my face are still here. They got worse, but are now calming, thankfully. I am certain, for me, that it was the shea butter. I used it on my face as a moisturizer on Thursday and makeup remover on Friday. (Dave and I got to go on a date - our second one this month - so I put a little make up on and dressed up a bit. We saw the hilarious Noises Off at the local playhouse.) As I'm dealing with hives for the first time since I was a few months pregnant with Aevryn (cashew-exposure), I am recalling the terribleness of being chronically itchy. I am also examining up close and personal what hives flaring up and slowly fading look like. I'm starting to think that Lily may have eczema on her neck and right in the folds of her elbows, but the "rash" up and down her arms that comes and goes, seemingly willy nilly is in fact chronic hives, in various states of flaring and healing.

I think, I really need to find a doctor to patch test her.

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