Friday, May 14, 2010

Testing, testing...

As we slog through the elimination/trial process, I once again find myself considering allergy testing. We've had mixed results with allergy testing in the past.

At the age of nearly 2, Lily had a RAST (IgE) blood test performed. It showed sensitivity to cats and mold.

At the age of 2.25, Lily had an ELISA (IgE/IgG combined) blood test performed. It showed sensitivity to dairy, garlic, turmeric, poppy seeds, pinto beans, navy beans.

At the age of 3, Lily had a repeat ELISA. It showed sensitivity to nothing. With actual ZEROS showing up. I now doubt the validity of that particular test. (I also had an ELISA done at the same time. It showed that I am mildly allergic to sesame, though we know that I have a very quick hive reaction to cashews & pistachios, that I would be surprised if it wasn't IgE mediated.)

At the age of 3, Lily had a scratch test (IgE) performed at the allergist's office. It showed sensitivity to dairy, soy, cats & mold. However, again, these are immediate response tests. She was scratched, they let it sit for 30 or so minutes, then came back and read the results. I declined steroid cream for her after the testing, and just opted for washing with soap and water. Even so, I noticed hours later that certain welts were bigger than they were at the allergist's. Delayed reaction?

At the age of 4.75, she had a stool sample tested. It showed elevated IgA anti-bodies to gluten, despite the fact that she's been gluten-free for 2.5years.

Recently, at the age of newly 5, I performed my own little delayed reaction "patch" test on her. I took local, unpasturized egg whites and painted a patch on her thigh - i.e. not a place where she typically gets reactions. That whole day she was fine. She said it didn't itch. The next day she had a splotchy red rash where the egg had been. Roughly 24hrs after exposure. It peaked around 36hrs after and then healed up quickly. Now, I know that uncooked egg whites are a "histamine releasing" food, so I wonder if it did just that? However, I also did a test on Aevryn and myself and we were completely fine - no itchy or splotchy rashes, even delayed.

This got me thinking about testing for delayed reactions. I know there is something called a patch test, and it is a test that is recognized by allopathic medicine. I think I'm going to call Lily's allergist and see if he would be able to perform that test for us. Otherwise, I might start looking for doctors or clinics downstate. Hey, we could get her checked by a peds GI at the same time. Fun!

While researching patch testing, I kept finding information on Eosinophilic Esophagitis and/or Eosinophilic Gastritis. Not that I want her to have EE or EG, but it really would explain quite a bit. Not only for her, but for me as well.

First step is patch testing if we can get it... Then we'll go from there...


  1. I know not everyone is fond of patch testing, but having Taslyn's done really pointed us in a good direction. I hope it works out as well for you.

  2. I'm really feeling pulled in that direction. I had a light bulb moment... I think her "chronic eczema + occasional hives" is actually "chronic hives" in various state of flaring and healing. :( It only took me getting hives all over my face to remember that it flares up *and* down and leaves scabs where you itched, behind. :(


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